Pop Rocks (2004 TV Movie)
Funny, hilarious and great family entertainment ***1/2 out of 4
12 September 2004
So whats wrong with family entertainment? With most comedies relying on gross out humor in an attempt to make us laugh, Pop Rocks is huge sigh of relief.

Jerry (played by underrated actor Gary Cole) is your average guy. He's happily married with two children and a loan officer at the local bank. His daughter is at the fright full age of 17 and his son is more interested in being a musician than a straight A student. Little does Jerry's family know that he was once the lead singer of the most popular heavy metal band Rock Toxin. But after waking up in a garbage bin during a night of heavy partying, Jerry decides to retire from the scene and start living a normal life.

On an ordinary day at work, a scary looking hippy walks into the bank and to Jerry's horror it's the lead guitarist of the band Izzy (David Jenson). Izzy has a vision of wanting to get the band back together for one show that will pay $75,000 a piece and Izzy is particularly desperate because he is currently behind on the rent to his mother. Jerry says no before Izzy finishes the question but when Jerry's bonus at work turns out to be only enough to buy a happy meal at McDonalds, the only way to now pay for his daughter's education is to accept the offer.

So its time to rockn' roll. To keep it all secret, Jerry throws every excuse in the book to his wife on reasons for coming home late while practicing for the audition. Things get even worse when his bosses wife is running for office and chooses Jerry's wife as her campaign manager and win the popular vote from the public by holding a protest on the bands visit.

Some of the best moments (even though predictable) is when Jerry's daughter catching him in tights and an especially funny scene when Jerry rushes to an appointment and his client asks, "are you wearing makeup?" Another bright spot is seeing the members of the band being so out of shape and especially the drummer, who falls off the chair and onto the floor before the opening number.

Without giving to much away, I will end by saying that Pop Rocks is a consistently funny and original movie and a rare film you can let your kids watch by themselves. Now thats entertainment!
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