Easily one of the worst films ever made . . .
1 October 2004
Warning: Spoilers
To call LA CASA SPERDUTA NEL PARCO (a.k.a. HOUSE ON THE EDGE OF THE PARK) trash would be an insult to trash. Comparing it to Wes Craven's LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT would be an insult to that not-so-great film, as well. Even writing a review of it requires more energy than it deserves, but I'm going to anyway, so potential viewers will be forewarned and forearmed.

"PLOT" SYNOPSIS: The "plot" basically is a synopsis: A pair of thugs are invited to a soiree at the titular abode, and wreak havoc for most of the 91-minute running time, raping, maiming, and just generally being bad buggers.

Leading the circus of bad behaviour is Alex, a boorish garage mechanic whose idea of consensual sex is raping young women at razor's point, and his dopey sidekick Ricky, who meekly follows wherever Alex goes, and does pretty much everything Alex tells him to do. This includes the aforementioned treachery at the party, easily the most unpleasant party ever captured on film, and that's before all the bad stuff happens. There are no characters in this film, only bad actors wearing bad costumes, spewing dialogue so bad it rarely even approaches unintentional comedy (although there are mercifully a few moments of that, as well).

It is clear what the filmmakers were trying to do: shock and disturb the audience. The only thing shocking and disturbing about the film is that it was ever made in the first place. Implausible from the get-go, with wretched dialogue ("It's too late to boogie") and abysmal performances, especially the lead, David A. Hess, who looks like the love child of Tom Jones and Telly Savalas, and who tries to chew the scenery, but only manages to bite. When he tries to be scary, he's almost funny, and when he tries to be funny, he's just scary. His performance wants to be over-the-top, but in the end, just wants. Why anyone would invite him to a party is a good indication of the collective I.Q. of the partiers, who pretty much deserve everything that happens to them, because they clearly outnumber their captors, and have ample opportunities to disarm and even disembowel them, but blithely allow Alex to terrorize them in lots of nasty ways.

*SPOILER* Their acquiescence is explained in easily one of the dumbest "twist" endings you're likely to see. *END SPOILER*

What else can be said about a party no one would want to attend, peopled by characters no one would ever want to meet? To call the film dreary would be too complimentary. It is a waste of celluloid, with all the style and substance of a 70s home movie, ninety minutes you will never get back, and the only thing you may take away from the experience is the dubious pleasure of giving this turkey a vote of 1.
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