Metallica is hilariously ridiculous, the film is good though
5 October 2004
First of all I used to be a big Metallica fan, that is until they started making really, I mean REALLY bad music. This film follows Metallica through a period in time when they had already became what they used to be against, I mean making crappy music and all, and fighting all their inner demons, entities which I must add provided fuel to most of the great music that put them on the map early on their career. The deal is this, bassist Jason Newsted notices that Metallica is day by day closer getting to a bad imitation of Spinal Tap so he bails, after all why would he stay in a band he does not like, and even worse a band where restrains are placed all around. Anyway, he bails, singer James Hetfield says he is now after a zillion years of drinking suddenly become an alcoholic goes to rehab and Metallica is on the brink of a break up, I mean why not after all they had put out a couple of godawful albums (Load and the smartly titled ReLoad), so the only option they see is to hire a guy and pay him a buckload of money so that he can make them feel special and take a look at what they are really worth. The documentary is good, throughout the film we see how these guys are filthy rich, and well guitar player Hammett is sort of the puppet of the band having no say whatsoever in the band and also sporting some really crappy hairplugs. The two leaders Hetfield and Ulrich just get on each other's nerves and at some point during the film you are even praying for them to just come to blows and end it all, unfortunately Metallica succeeds, and they make that crapperpiece that is now calles St Anger, during the making of this album we hear them arguing about lyrics, and Hetfield, says :"some kind of monster, that monster lives yyeeeeeaaahh""" the other members are just in awe at how incredibly brilliant and prolific this guy is, I mean i just wanted to laugh out loud, let's just say that Bob Dylan this guy is not, but the theater was so full of Metallica fans I was a bit afraid one might beat me up. In the end, metallica makes an album that gets trashed by the critics, hired Rob Trujillo to fill the bassist slot, and well, I guess the fans are to thank their idols because once again this once mighty band has managed to fool the world, I guess it is all a matter of taste, all I gotta say is that if you look at these guys objectively you will see a lot more than you expected in this film, the movie is good, but Metallica is just an average band.
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