Another piece of the American movie pie...
8 October 2004
Why do American movies always have to have some bitter sweet love story. There is always some father who doesn't take good care of his kids, divorced from his wife, kids get in trouble, boy loves girl, girl loves boy, jadajadajada. Cut all this s**t out and you might actually have an entertaining movie. O and they added some wolves (ehr, computer animations they want to look like wolves but they look more like the wolf from American werewolf in London), and 3 guys in some sort of arctic station or something, drinkin' scotch when it gets colder, but you never see them at the end of the movie. What's the matter guys, run out of money? The idea of the movie is nice, and it works well with the issues of global warming we are facing today, but, come on, tornado's in LA??? A ship in downtown NYC??? A Russian SHIP?????? How far fetched can you get. And in the end......they all survive. The only good parts in these movie are: the kid in the plane, on his way to NYC when the oxygenmasks come dropping down right in front of him, that actually made me laugh, the view from the space station, looking down on a few massive storms. And the idea of cold winds dropping down into the eye of the storms was OK as well. But if you are looking for an good movie, with a lot of thrills and entertainment, you might as well go see Titanic instead...
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