weak targets, some kinda funny bits
17 October 2004
While there were some really funny references to oral sex, and some of the

puppet motion stuff was funny, overall it seemed like something less than a

good South Park episode. And making fun of Alec Baldwin didn't seem

particularly timely. I liked when Orbitz, or whoever it was, made fun of the

Thunderbirds, I mean they're so ridiculous. But those commercials were like a couple of years ago. So, making fun of the puppets seemed a bit flat. Except

during the puppet sex. That was funny. It also seemed especially odd to be

making fun of Hans Blix when, as it turned out just this week, he was basically one of the good guys in the whole Iraq thing, in that he said there were no

weapons and we shouldn't invade and then low and behold he's right. So

mocking him seemed particularly empty and something even less than

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