Without question my ALL-TIME FAVORITE Looney Tune!
18 October 2004
Warning: Spoilers
"Daffy Duck Hunt" takes first place on my list of all-time favorite Looney Tunes, with "Napoleon Bunny-Part" (Bugs Bunny) and "Guided Muscle" (The Road Runner) tied for second place and "Bewitched Bunny" (Bugs Bunny and Witch Hazel) getting third.

But what especially makes me crack up about this short is that in the spring of 1973, when I was living in Lansing, Michigan, and was then 11, a station in Grand Rapids ran the Looney Tunes every weekday at 4:00 P.M. Opposite the Looney Tunes on a Lansing station was a locally-produced puppet show which my younger sister loved but I despised; they kept doing frequent Alvin and the Chipmunks takeoffs, which drove me crazy! (Anybody from Lansing, Michigan reading this who was a kid back then will know what I'm talking about, but everybody else can deduce the puppet show's title by reading between the lines: its lead character was named Aloysius E. Khatt.)

One day, I raced my sister home from school so I could get to the TV before she could (you have to remember that in 1973 - at least, not for the next seven years - there weren't any such things as VCRs); when I beat her home, my sister left the house in frustration. Shortly after she left, "Daffy Duck Hunt" came on, and remembering the part where Daffy banged on the washtub to needle the dog and wake up Porky, I took a pot lid and wooden spoon from our kitchen and "clanged" along in unison with Daffy beating the tub (it sounded like a firehouse alarm!).

About fifteen minutes later, my sister came back in the house and inquired, "The neighbors want to know what all that noise was in here!" Needless to say, I blushed then, but every time I see "Daffy Duck Hunt" again now I can't help but crack up when I think of this childhood incident! (I also know the entire script of this short by heart to this day.)

Also, every time I hear "Jingle Bells" now - and want to sing along with it - I have this strange compulsion to shout "APRIL?!" before singing the last line (thanks, Robert McKimson and Warren Foster - may you both rest in peace)!

All told, "Daffy Duck Hunt" certainly was worthy of a "Blue Ribbon" shown in the opening titles - too bad it didn't win an Oscar as well. Still, this short is a winner in my book!
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