Better Than the Original
17 October 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Forget Peter Jackson's tepid version of the J. R. R. Tolkein classic trilogy, THIS is the movie that will define the Lord of the Rings for the next generation.

Due to what I imagine were copyright issues, the names of the characters were changed slightly; however, it is pretty obvious who everyone really is:

Dildo Saggens is obviously Bilbo Baggins and Smirnoff is actually Gandolf. Spam is actually doesn't take a rocket scientist...

From the very beginning, I was captivated with the sensitive retelling of the tale. Dildo reads from a book about her adventures to the camera. It is obvious that she is the dramatic lynch-pin from which this movie hangs. Good thing the producer chose the capable Misty Mundae, who played the Charleton Heston role in Playmate of the Apes. She has more personality than all the other actresses in the film put together. I know this because of the sheer number of times the other actresses in the film HAVE been put together...

I was disappointed with the performance of John Link as "Ballem". You'd think after putting in such fine performances in The Erotic Witch Project and Gladiator Eroticus, that you would've put more effort into such an important role in this film. Juliette Charles, with a performance of a caliber normally given by a producer's niece or nephew, saved the movie for me and allowed me to enjoy the film to the credits.

SPOILER: The girls have sex a lot...
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