Review of Whore

Whore (1991)
A film literally born in and out of "Bondage."
21 October 2004
London cab drivers are good witnesses to street life and when one cabby (David Hines) got talking to one prostitute (late at night) he decided to write her story down and re-create it as a play called "Bondage." I never saw it myself - but I am told the reviews were mixed.

The story of a sad life is told through the words and actions of one of the great "almost" actresses of her time: Theresa Russell. She tells it in a matter of fact way that reminds us of Alfie.

The setting has been changed to LA and the show seems to be a list of everything that can happen in a pro's life being ticked-off one by one: Pimp, violence, creeps, law of the street, you name it, it is all here. Does it tell me anything new? No, but I am not everyone.

Good for people that live in a Pretty Woman/Disneyland world (this movie is Ken Russell's answer to the Julia Roberts movie!), but they won't be watching it.

People that make these types of films are on a sleaze holiday. Their real lives are in the suburbs, safe in their middle classes houses built on royalty cheques and property inflation.

Selling sex is a big business and more people take part in it than you know. Newspapers, magazines, film studios, the Internet, TV (of all colours), you name the media, they are all in to selling sex. Street sex is only the very bottom rung of the giant ladder.

Much of film is stupid. Just plucking one famous name out of thin air, was Animal House an accurate portrayal of student life? But who cared, it was entertainment. Hollywood has long done a great job of making sex clean and family friendly - what was Cary Grant trying to do to Grace Kelly? Get her up to his room to play Scrabble!?

This film doesn't really exploit sex (and that alone will disappoint many!), but it does dance around a lot of racy topics. The acting is generally good, but the story is limp and forgettable. There are lots of tragedies on this world, but most of them are out of sight, not standing on streets corners in miniskirts. For such reasons their story will not be told.
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