there are better movies named Ransom (and Maniac) than this one
24 October 2004
Paul Koslo plays an ex-olympic athlete who for unspecified reasons is now trying to collect millions of dollars from a town's rich people by dressing up like a native American in leather and warpaint and killing police and prominent citizens with a bow and arrow.

While it seems like he put a lot of effort into his plans to kill people, collect the money, and escape, at the same time he's very careless, nearly getting shot or caught almost every time. At one point, he kills a man in a parade. No one seems to know where he was when he shot the man, but inexplicably he jumps onto his motorbike and rides right into the parade route so that everyone can see him, and easily follow him.

The rich people hire McCormick, played by Oliver Reed, to try to catch or kill Koslo. Early on, Reed purposely drives off with a TV journalist's microphone, and then when she follows him to a bar to retrieve it, he has a Tequila Sunrise ready for her. However he then pulls out a loaded gun and holds it to her head, threatening her not to move. Inexplicably, a moment later they're consensually in bed together.

The story is absurd. This is not a very good movie at all.
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