A great film for a small amount of money
31 October 2004
The film itself was an action adventure spy spoof-a-rama filmed in and around Ottawa for a rather shoe string budget of around 40000CAD over the course of two years. Noticeable when, the female lead, Cassie Nova (played by Nancy Riehle), has a scene that I imagine was filmed the summer after the rest of her scenes. Line is more or less: 'There's Cassie! Why did she change her hair?' 'There's no time for that now, let's go!' ;). Generally, this film was fun and goofy, with the plot revolving around the titular necklace, stolen from the Museum of Nature by a bionic Bigfoot (Josh Grace in a pretty awesome costume, I must say). Harry is asked by two researchers to find the necklace, but do they have ulterior motives? The film is overtaken by a horde of baddies that try and keep Harry from his goal, with punch-ups, sword fights and pilfering. He eventually, with the help of his trusted friend Santo, the world famous masked wrestler, finds out the truth behind the necklace, and Bigfoot and the mysterious figure that has been plaguing him with these attacks, his own evil twin!

It was an extremely fun film to watch, and I hope that they do well with it. I do have a couple of quibbles, but nothing heart stopping. For instance, I found that there were just maybe one too many fight scenes (the film is hours). The scene with Virtual Girl didn't seem to gel with rest of the film, perhaps it was part of a greater subplot that was cut and should have been left on the floor, but I'm not any worse off for seeing it ;). Also, the sound was a bit off. The soundtrack was overpowering the actors from time to time, and I missed some plot points as I couldn't understand what they were saying.

All in all a very good film for very little money!
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