Performances and Inconsistencies (may be spoiler, not sure, pls read inconsistencies after watching it)
30 October 2004
Warning: Spoilers
The movie starts a bit slow, with a young couple moving in a new house of their choice, though it seemed a godforsaken place I don't know why they thought it suitable!! Anyway that is their and the directors judgment I would guess. Sushmita and Chakravarty (sans the beard) both try their level best to engrave the name of the movie on the viewers by uttering the name "Vaastu" twice, once when they just came to see it, and once again when Sushmita had to mention how good her house was to one of her colleagues!! I wonder, if it would have mattered if they would have named the movie "bhoot bangla"(haunted house)or Ham sandwich!! The effect would have been the same. At least one pandit or someone knowing a bit about vaastu should have made an appearance to make it look real may be :-) as in all Hindi movies...well viewers had to assume that it had to be vaastu causing these poor "bhoot" creatures dwelling in these Phantom (from comic series) like tree houses. They even had ladders to lure people to the top !! Hey, at least, my pre-movie thought was that, the house must be having wrong vaastu but the heroine mercilessly crushed them under her heels in the first scene when she says the house has perfect Vaastu. there goes one viable option for the poor souls.

Inconsistencies: Well there are innumerable, and may be a avid watcher may find a lot more than what I found with a mind swaying from boredom to utter helplessness.

i) The last part shows that the ghosts or souls (sounds more politically correct) are all 'killed', if I may use that word, when the car bursts into flames under their tree house!! But hey, u also have the small kid of the couple converted to a ghost by then, and thus he should also have turned to ashes like his illustrious daddy and mausi?? Nice camouflage I would guess may be, please directorsaab, provide "some" explanation! Most importantly after such medical examination that both the mother and the son must have been subjected to the doctors where unable to find out whether the son was alive or was a ghost!! hahahahaha, come on...thats crap!!

ii) The mad person who is shown to know more about the house than anyone else, well he must be Cristobol Colon (Christopher Columbus for uninitiated) since not only did he pass the guards in the hospital when he himself looked like a ruffian, but also managed to find busy Sushmita twice in her hospital without ever knowing where she may be working!!

iii)(May be interesting fact but not inconsistency) The movie shows that the children ghosts are indeed friendly in the first few days and only that they find out about Radhika (Rads in the movie) who is romancing her classmate in secret, that they turn hostile!! Hey the ghosts have got to do something with secrecy, they even killed the Bai for stealing :-D

iv) Why does the Bai think that the poor 4 yr. old kid could throw the tennis ball when she had been looking at the kid all the time before the ball hit her, and she knew perfectly well that the ball was not in his hand, before the incidence and that the ball came from beneath the cot. No doubt about that. Then why does she threaten him for throwing the ball at her ?? And also indeed he threw it, how can he do it with so much power to make such a mark on her face?? I guess all of us who has played with them, would know how much a mark they can make on ur face if u are hit!!

v) Sushmita directly calls the police officer without first calling the police station, well well, and if he had a cellphone, then she would need to remember the number by heart since she calls from a landline! Else who stores police officer's cell phone number in a landline phone hotkey ?? :-D hilarious for me, may be inconsequential but come on, Bollywood has to grow up!!

Well, though I found all these but u may surely find a few more, but from somewhere I came to know this is the directors first movie, well I ask him, please try to explain things a bit more may be the next time he does indeed find another producer. First time still okay, but this was a comedy with all the zombies coming in a group at the end towards our frightened and helpless Sushmita trying to run away with a ghost child!!
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