The Asylum (2000)
1 November 2004
Warning: Spoilers
MAJOR SPOILER (possibly) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At the end of the movie when they're discussing the real killer in the movie, was it the father, the sister, Jenny, or the priest. I've narrowed it down to it being one of them, but I'm not entirely sure who it was. Anyone have any idea? I'd appreciate the knowledge. Also, at the end when she said something like "Stop fighting. We all have to cooperate here now." (Probably not exact quote.) Was she implying that they were all going to have to live together in the asylum now or what? Another thing is that this whole asylum idea makes it seem like Gothika tried to rip off a bit of the idea. Overall, I didn't really care for the movie, the only reason I'm commenting is because I'm just not sure about a lot things they said and did.
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