Excellent, short film of the 1804 Corps of Doscovery trip west.
14 November 2004
I saw this as a DVD copy of the IMAX presentation. The film is well made and shows in a short form what the expedition consisted of, the obstacles they encountered, the overall success of it. No matter what your political leanings, this expedition 200 years ago was a landmark in exploring the western half of what we now know of the United Sates. I have vacationed in the mountains of Montana, I cannot imagine being a band of men in that era trying to cross those mountains with a boat and supplies. Not only did they try, they reached the Pacific Ocean.

As an IMAX film it is obviously very attractive visually. Pains were taken to film in authentic areas. For those who like to learn more about the "behind the scenes" work, there is also an interesting "making of" extra on the DVD. A loan from my local public library.
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