"The beast exists because it is stronger than this thing you call evolution."
3 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Back in the Upper Amazon River Valley, an expedition headed by Professor Clete Ferguson (John Agar) attempts to locate the missing link first introduced in the previous year's "Creature From the Black Lagoon". With only Nestor Paiva as Captain Lucas on hand from the original cast, the beast is quickly located and subdued via a series of explosive charges set about his watery domain. Upon arrival at his new home in Marineland Park, the Creature is shackled in a holding tank where scientists can study his behavior and determine that he "just misses being human".

Lori Nelson portrays college student and budding scientist Helen Dobson, object of the affections of both Professor Ferguson and the Creature. Throughout the film, no matter where Helen and the professor happen to be, the Gill-Man without the help of mapquest, is able to pinpoint their exact location - it's uncanny. And that's saying something, as sightings of the escaped monster were reported in the film as far ranging as Norfolk, Virginia to Panama - this guy did get around!

The strength of the Creature is established in the film, where viewers could only guess at before. On his escape into the ocean from the Marineland tank, he easily overturns a car that stands in his path. Later on he throws a hapless victim halfway across the beach into some palm trees with ease. Contrast this effort with the underwater grappling scenes with the scientists in this and the prior film, where the opponents managed to get away relatively unharmed. It all suggests that the Creature's abilities were manufactured on the fly without much thought given to it's potential or limitations.

For all of the film's inconsistencies though, it's still campy fun and as enjoyable as any of the schlock follow ups to the more serious Universal originals, such as the Mummy sequels. And lest I forget, probably the best unexpected treat of the movie - Clint Eastwood in his screen debut for just a brief moment, trying to figure out what happened to a missing lab mouse!
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