A film mystery SOLVED!!!
6 December 2004
Several year ago, NORTHEAST HISTORIC FILM, a regional film archive located in Bucksport, Maine, received a gift of many reels of 35mm film from a collector. Among the reels was a five reel feature dated 1925 entitled THE FALL OF JERUSALEM distributed by the WHOLESOME FILM SERVICE of Boston. The film was printed on tinted safety stock, very unusual for 1925, and probably indicating that it was intended for screening in non-theatrical settings. The images and the condition of the film is extraordinary, and it has been preserved by George Eastman House.

After several years of research by Jan-Christopher Horak and other film scholars, it was determined that this is a retitled print of JEREMIAS (1922), no doubt the only one still existing. The film was directed in Germany by Hungarian director Eugen Illes, and filmed in a former Zeppelin hangar outside Berlin. This is a big budget production with many extras and lots of period costumes.

As for the film itself, its pretty dull stuff, probably on interest only to film scholars or history buffs.
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