Summerslam (1999 TV Special)
Jesse Ventura no doubt drew some fans... and how many times can you say "ass" on one show?
4 December 2004
As I'm writing this review, 5 years have passed so it's more or less reviewing how the show holds up in this day and age. The event did seem to have that special ambiance that Pay-Per-Views are supposed to have, even though I don't think this was one of the WWF's better efforts over the years. It was mainly hyped around Jesse Ventura, which was smart and a great move, considering SummerSlam was taking place at the Target Center in Minnesota. I'm sure he drew quite a few fans to the event and most likely as well on PPV. The DVD also features some cool little features on Jesse from his days of wrestling and some current stuff as well. Jesse also does a little shoot on the media, saying he was taking a lot of flack from them and he was standing up and saying he was proud to be a wrestler and always will be.

I think this show had way too many gimmick matches. Most of them turned into a hardcore match at some point. I thought it worked against the show as a whole.

If you are watching the show after not seeing the show for years, there is a nice feature on the DVD called "What's The Story". It updates you on the previous happenings and how the matches came together. It was nice for me because I forgot most of why these things were happening and it brought some understanding to what was happening (such as why someone would ever decide to sign on for a "Kiss My Ass" Match, etc).

Another special feature on the DVD which was cool was the alternate commentaries. You could watch the main event and listen to the commentary from either one of the three participants.

Match Reviews.

INTERCONTINENTAL AND European TITLE MATCH Jeff Jarrett with Debra vs D-Lo Brown (C) - D-Lo was a good worker, but looking back, I honestly don't see what the WWF saw in him to make him a double champion. Jarrett came to the ring with Debra, but ended up with D-Lo at the start of the match. I must say the she looked quite good, wearing only a bikini and some kind of ring jacket instead of her usual business suit and short skirt. The match revolved heavily around Debra and her "puppies".

Both the crowd and the commentators (Jerry Lawler and Jim Ross) confirmed this. I can see why they resorted to using Debra, as I wasn't really interested in the match either. It was a good match, but D-Lo just lacks something. Mark Henry got involved at the finish. The highlight of the match was Mark Henry's guitar smash... and Debra's "puppies".

TAG TEAM TURMOIL MATCH (winners become the #1 Contenders) The Acolytes (Pre-APA) vs Edge & Christian vs The Hardy Boyz vs Mideon & Viscera vs Droz & Prince Albert vs Hardcore Holly & Crash Holly - This was sort of a gauntlet match I guess, starting out with two teams and the winner of the first match continue on until all 6 teams have competed. This was obviously just an attempt to fit as many people on the PPV as possible. This would have been MUCH better if all the time was given to The Hardys and Edge & Christian (who started the match). That was much too short and neither team had the opportunity to build a great match under these circumstances. The Acolytes would have been used better against the Hollys as well instead of this gimmick match. The other two teams had no business being there. I was very disappointed with this one, as it had so much potential and the whole thing was wasted with very few highlights.

HARDCORE TITLE MATCH Al Snow vs The Big Bossman (C) - This was a typical WWF style hardcore match. It seems like they just try to find the most outrageous things to hit each other with and that's "hardcore". Oh well, it was OK for what it was. The "Roving" Road Dogg did commentary with the wireless mic and followed the match around. As you can probably guess, he does get involved. The match eventually made it's way across the street and into a local bar across the street from the Target Center. Al Snow actually got a wrestling move in when he moonsaulted Bossman from the bar (Why didn't the bouncer get involved)? The match made it's way into the billiard room and Road Dogg could not resist commenting on Al Snow's handling of his balls? There were a few match highlights but how can you top Snow making Bossman eat a urinal cake?

WOMEN'S TITLE MATCH Ivory (C) vs Tori - The crowd was dead for this one. Nothing to cheer about, really. Ivory was OK back in 1999, but it doesn't hold up here in 2004. I do have to admit that Ivory was hot though.

I guess that was her real purpose for being there. Neither girl did anything decent or even believable. Another DUD for the women. Ivory tried to take off Tori's top and pants but was stopped by Luna Vachon. Why? That was the best part of this match.

LION'S DEN WEAPONS MATCH Ken Shamrock vs Steve Blackman - This was WWF's attempt at exploiting Shamrock's UFC past success with their version of a caged octagon thing (it had around 10 or 12 sides I think, so technically wasn't an octagon). No pinfalls or submissions allowed here and weapons dangling from various parts of the cage. This is really a shame, considering Shamrock could have been a good worker. He's had a handful of good matches with Shawn Michaels and others, but he never really seemed to learn much from it, and we're subjected to stuff like this. Blackman surprised me with how long he stayed around the WWF. I can't remember one good match he's had or any point in time where he was over with the crowd. This may have been better had it been booked as a legitimate shoot, but who really knows. It would have definitely been shorter, and that would have been good. The rules were never explained as far as how to win the match, so eventually the bell just rang and the winner was announced. No real highlights here either, other than a few stiff weapon shots.

"LOVE HER OR LEAVE HER" GREENWICH STREET FIGHT Test vs Shane McMahon - Shane was accompanied by the Mean Street Posse, another gimmick that never should have been. This match revolved around Test's relationship with Shane's sister, Stephanie McMahon. If Test wins, Shane agrees to step aside. If Test loses, he must never see Stephanie again. The Greenwich Street Fight is basically another hardcore match. We're up to 3 of those already for tonight. This was when ECW was popular, so it's no wonder they were going in this direction. The storyline for this match was great, as it was one of the most over stories WWF has been able to pull off. The match itself wasn't very good, but the ending was cool. Highlights of this match include the dreaded cookie sheet (just kidding), Test accidentally kicked the ref with a pretty stiff shot and Shane delivered a nice elbow smash from the top rope through the Spanish announcing table.

WWF TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH Undertaker & The Big Show vs X-Pac & Kane (C) - Up to this point, this was probably the best match on the show, which is surprising. Surprising because all 4 participants kept the match fast paced with no rest holds. This is where the show needed to pick up, and it did just that. They were given the time to build a good match, which is what the Tag Team Turmoil match and the opening match lacked.

"KISS MY ASS" MATCH The Rock vs "Bad Ass" Billy Gunn - Exactly as it sounds, the loser has to kiss the rear end of the winner. Gunn was billed as "Mr. Ass". Billy Gunn came out with a big surprise. He says that when he wins the match, The Rock won't be kissing his ass, but he will be kissing the ass of the woman under the blanket, which he unveils to be a very large woman. The match was OK, but the referee was lenient on the rules again so it may as well have been another hardcore match. This match featured many fat jokes and ass jokes by Lawler. Who could expect anything less from him? The Rock managed to keep his dignity despite everything going on in this match. Highlights include excessive use of the word "ass" and the fat lady baring her bum with the torn pantyhose and all.

TRIPLE THREAT WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH - JESSE VENTURA AS SPECIAL REFEREE Mankind vs Triple H vs "Stone Cold" Steve Austin (C) - It seems the only stipulation here is that the pinfall has to take place in the ring, so basically some more hardcore to semi-hardcore stuff. Triple H worked Austin's knee for the whole match, which meant Austin sold the knee for the whole match. Mostly just a lot of punches and kicks by Austin and Triple H. Mankind supplied most of the excitement in this match. Mankind missed a cannonball from the apron to the floor. He took other bumps on the floor as well. Jesse Ventura let Triple H use a chair without a disqualification but refused to make a pinfall count. Shane McMahon appeared from nowhere and ordered Ventura to make the count. Austin then gave him a Stone Cold Stunner and Jesse throws him from the ring. Some nice false finish spots but the finish, itself, was kind of anti-climatic. Mankind took a few rough bumps, but nothing super spectacular to which we've become accustomed to from him. After the match, Triple H beat Austin's knee down some more with the chair. Pretty good main event.

Overall, not a bad show. I'd recommend giving it a look if you haven't seen it yet.
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