Hollywood's Greatest Actor - Dennis Woodruff
9 December 2004
Victor McLagen and John Carradine for a long time held the record of starring in the most motion pictures, that is until DENNIS WOODRUFF came along and not only broke their records, but starred and appeared in more than their appearances combined. Mention the name DENNIS WOODRUFF and even the extras know his name right away and his sterling reputation. Its a wonder he has not walked away with one or many Academy Awards for his fine acting and his great sense of comedy. I've been on the bus and have heard bus drivers comment as they passed the place he lived at, saying: "That is the home of DENNIS WOODRUFF and there is one of his famous vehicles!" Passengers would crane their necks to get a better view as the driver would slow down so they could all see where Dennis Woodruff resided. Sometimes you can see the great actor in Glendale at the coffee section of a well-known bookseller. This movie was a jewel and launched the careers of Dennis Farina, who greatly benefited from working with the great Dennis Woodruff. Sarge Booker (Dennis Woodruff fan)
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