Not quite The Wizard Of Oz
10 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Starring Frank Morgan and Billie Burke, who starred as "The Wizard" and "The Good Witch" in The Wizard Of Oz a year earlier, you'd expect quite a bit from this movie. Unfortunately, it's a far cry from that 1939 classic.

In an incredibly far-fetched comedic plot, a family father (Morgan) is presumed dead and his wife (Burke) and family cash in his life insurance policy. Dad comes home unexpectedly, of course, and hilarity ensues (well, kinda).

An inoffensive little movie that is well acted all around, but really has little story to offer. It can still keep your interest for 80 minutes when the other 90 cable channels are offering nothing better, as is often the case. I'm always amazed by the quaintness of these earlier films, when people actually fainted when surprised (did that ever REALLY happen?) and grown brothers slept in the same bed.

Pleasant enough, just don't expect movie magic.
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