Sick and raunchy - not worth it
12 December 2004
This movie is so sick and raunchy, just thinking about it makes me think, vulgar. The movie is extremely crude, and rides on the Beverly Hills image to sell the movie. A friend said it is a poor man's Eating Raoul. It is a movie I would like to forget. It has some marketing value for sure since Rebecca Scheaffr was in it. That tragedy has brought a little bit of fame to this movie. Other than using those marketing ploys, I don't recommend this movie to anyone. It is full of stereotypes and you feel like you've just been in a gutter. The party scene toward the beginning is perhaps the most memorable part of the movie. While there are Asian street gangs around, you don't get any kind of sociological value from this movie. No one really acts like they do in the movie, but it has no camp value. The title is the most interesting part of the movie.
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