Review of Earthsea

Earthsea (2004–2005)
Why are cable TV channels run like this?
16 December 2004
Sci-fi, the channel that cancelled 'farscape', one of the greatest sci-fi TV series ever, when it had good ratings and a loyal following, because the new administrator 'didnt like space shows', has yet again done something to prove they hate their viewers.

You can simply go to Urusula K Leguin's website to see her attitude towards this movie, and read her article in Salon about how they lied to her and destroyed her books.

It reminds me of comedy central, which cancels 'tough crowd' in favor of cartoons and puppets.

I know the theory in corproate America is that 'the bottom line means everything', well, no actually it doesn't. When good shows that have decent ratings are cancelled.... and while Lord of the Rings makes hundreds of millions of dollars by being true to the books, but what we get is garbage like EarthSea, you have to ask yourself, has capitalism failed? When the people who are supposed to care about 'the bottom line' make decisions to produce horrible products that nobody wants, over and over, you have to ask yourself, what is going on? How did these people get any power at all? Was it because they know what they are doing? Or was it because they know who they are doing?
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