Review of Sumuru

Sumuru (2003)
sumuru a winner
16 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I do try to begin watching any movie with a neutral perspective, not to have any preconceived ideas before actually seeing it. In this case that was not quite possible, my mind already had a single focal point; Lead role character played by Mr Michael Shanks; I confess my ulterior motive for watching in particular was anticipating the most what kind of performance I would see from him. I thought the differences between Wade and Sumuru worked well, I believe they both wanted to see the good in the other because of their own desperate problems, and being so realistic in expectations yet unconsciously hopeful each determined how exactly they could benefit from allying with the other. This had to pay off in the end, ultimately for the fate of mankind, of course. The battle of wills was definitely a bonus to watch. Interaction on such strong levels makes for a more memorable movie, since we care about what will happen to the characters. I could foresee a continuation of their struggle against odds (very likely to encounter further enemies heading off into unknown part of space) as much as their somewhat volatile natures creating an interesting play in itself; the type of person both Wade and Sumuru are, 'happy ever after' just isn't part of either's mind; always preparing for the next fight, whether with the universe or each other. This adds an element of realism to a sci-fi setting. If there were going to be more done about this adventure I would have to watch, my curiosity wouldn't be satisfied until I found out what happened next to these two 'hero's.
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