Angel Flight Down (1996 TV Movie)
Like The Plane,This Film Was Only Ever Going To Go Down
19 December 2004
Picture the scene,me and a buddy are on holidays in Gran Canaria.Its a cloudy day so we decide to stay in our hotel room and sample a random day time film.We flick to channel 6,THE MOVIE CHANNEL.

We settle down to watch a film entitled ANGEL FLIGHT DOWN........sounded promising,I always like watching disaster films especially ones involving planes.We start to watch the film,immediately I recognise David Charvet from Baywatch fame although I'm too embarrassed to tell my mate I actually remember his face so....I keep quiet.The films plot involves a GRIEF-STRICKEN child in need of urgent medical assistance,so urgent,they needed an angel flight,unknown to them,it was going DOWN,hence the title,Angel Flight Down.

Its a snowy night,but they just gotta get that kid(terribly played by Deanna Milligan,for the whole film she makes silly noises that is supposed to portray a sick child)to the hospital.The plane takes off and everything seems fine but ten minutes into the journey,something.......goes wrong.The engine fails.At this point in the review I must point out that the plane going down scene is pretty good with outdoor and indoor cockpit shots of the disaster about to happen.

The plane crashes in the snowy mountains but all inside survive the crash.OK,this review is a bit long winded so I'll cut to the chase,the acting is god awful,terrible,shocking,diabolical. After I watched the film I felt violated.After the plane crash we are left with an hours worth of bilge of a film.The people in the plane try to stay warm and for some reason one of the people gets out of the plane and rants and raves for a bit only to walk back inside the plane for absolutely NO REASON.

Obviously,in the end,all the people in the plane are rescued by live helicopters and David Charvet learns to be a better man blah blah blah.Terrible film.....seriously,how do people who make these films sleep at night?If you want to see a half decent disaster air-plane movie go rent out Alive.
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