Review of Hidden Agenda

Hidden Agenda (2001)
Cruelly Underrated!
29 December 2004
I saw this on TV and really enjoyed it. It was a low budget little thriller but for a Dolph Lundgren film it had some brains. My boyfriend made me watch it as he loves those action movies and watches Dolph films a lot, not to mention Van Damme, Seagal. I know the names of more action stars than is healthy for a girl.

This had a good twisting plot and Dolph I have to say is a cool guy. The action was pretty good, some nice martial arts and I really liked the editing. Anyways when I saw on IMDb that it had 3.9 I was taken aback, because it was a good movie. When I went to cast my vote I saw that the actual average rating was 5.9 which is fairer, but this weighted average thing I can't grasp. How on earth do you go from 5.9 down to 3.9. I know about ballet stuffing but thats ridiculous.

Hidden Agenda is a film I'd recommend to those who like a good thriller, its better than some dreadful films I have seen in theatres for sure. 7/10
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