Wow - What A Movie!
6 January 2005
This movie is amazing on sooooo many levels - first of all - it contains (without a doubt) the worst lead performance I have ever seen in a movie. Philomena Nowlin has a voice that is a combo of Betty Boop/Jennifer Tilly and Edith Bunker and together it is so shrill and grating that it would make all wildlife run away. So what does the director do with this annoying voice? Why he gives it tons of long monologues - yes, that's right - she goes on and on - talking and talking as if she has the dulcet tones of a classically trained RSC actress. Yikes!!! Plus you can just tell she has no idea what she's doing and also in a rather endearing Ed Wood kind of way - she flubs her lines often and they just keep rolling!!! I feel that second takes did not exist on this movie. And it's not just her - the male lead is also dead-eyed and speaks in a monotone. Now, aside from all this - the movie is a hoot. Unintentionally hilarious - a cliché-ridden story of a girl who comes to Hollywood to "make it" and encounters sleazy porn producers, gay roomies, butch female agents and strippers - wow! You can also tell the movie's "script" was probably very thin so they pad the movie with long montages of Melody walking in the park, dancing at a party and --- best of all -- her riding a bicycle built for TWO with the male lead --- I was lucky enough to see this at a movie theater and the audience ate it up for what it is - a bad 1970's Hollywood Is A Tough Town, Tootsie type of tome.
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