Group therapy for one.
10 January 2005
Straight to the point; most of the material in Cho's new act is not funny. She can turn an occasional observation, and get a laugh, but most of the material on this DVD was just not humorous.

Which is too bad because there's some real material that Cho could've worked with and taken the distance, but, unfortunately never fully explores the actual issues she wants to put on the table. Instead she vents her personal frustrations, and, like a lot of her ilk, passes it off as comic phrasing.

One of the problems with performers on the comeback trail is that they're so blinded by their personal struggles that they forget that it was their ability to pull away the serious curtain on everyday life that made them funny and popular. Instead indulge in a kind of self-help prattle that's better left in a doctor's office. Cho is no exception, and occasionally does this on this DVD. Though much of the time she's just delivering blue statements she believes are undeniable truths, for which, for some reason, her devout fans cheer her on.

I'd say I barely cracked a smile through three-quarters of this thing, and as offensive and idiotic as I believed a lot of the material was, and is, I sat through it to give the thing a chance. And I have to admit that I did laugh about three or four times. But most of the material is predicated on the assumption that Cho's observations are fact, when in fact they're just her opinions recited to her audience as fact. And because she asserts them as facts, even though they aren't, she garnishes a loud cheer from people who really don't know a whole lot about Cho's issues, including Cho herself.

It makes you feel sorry for her at times. Here's this comedienne who's doing her best to give a good performance, yet the material comes across as a self help session, factually wrong, disgusting at times, and with the audience trying to help her to the next "break through." It's like a therapy session gone bad. I'll bet Cho'll look back at this DVD in thirty years with embarrassment, but that itself is assuming she grows from this experience.

Now, if you can get by all that, then you might like this DVD, but be warned, Cho's material is heavy on the blue-side, and not for the feint of heart. On the whole it's not worth it. If you're an Amer-Asian with leftest politics, and "gay" friends skirting the fringes of edge-driven society, then you might want to spin Cho's DVD.

Otherwise skip it, if you can help it. It's a waste of money.
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