This is a good & interesting movie.
12 January 2005
For the most part this is a comedy, with a fair number of very funny comedy skits. There is some drama and some enjoyable singing. What makes it so good is that there are some real life issues that they deal with. A father separated from his family. Then reunited with at least his daughter and son. Having to deal with his wife's new boyfriend. So I felt as if I had learned a little bit along the way and gained from having watched the movie. We can laugh at ourselves and our weakness, yet still maintain some degree of dignity and respect in the process.

There is some symbolism if you want to try to figure it out. The river is a beautiful women. The river is a place where we feel small and insignificant in comparison. But for the most part this is a movie to be experienced and enjoyed. It is the first one we watch when our friends come over to visit. There are maybe 5 aspects to this movie.

I only understand English, but I could follow the movie with no problem. Comedy is a universal language. There were only a few things here and there that I needed translated and explained.
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