entertaining little film for those in love
12 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Mickey who narrates the story is in love with Sibylla. Sibylla is the central character of this film. She is a wild uninhibited free spirited teenager who promises Mickey 100 kisses before the Summer ends. Mickey relishes her kisses so freely given, but alas! Sibylla it seems has fallen in love with Mickey's father Alexander.

As we follow Sibylla's antics in her quest to gain Alexander's advances, we are introduced to some lovely scenes in the woods surrounding the village. Tomboy Sibylla jumps off a high bridge into the river below and we see her robbing the bees of their honey comb in the bole of a tree.

These exterior scenes have a beautiful almost fairy tale quality about them. She and Mickey steal into a movie theatre showing "Emanuelle" (forbidden to juniors) and engage in other naughty escapades. Sibylla knows the power of a woman's body and is not averse to divesting herself of her clothes at the appropriate time.

Playboy Alexander has a lot of woman admirers, so Sibylla has a lot of competition, but undaunted she will not give up her quest. Likewise Mickey is determined to have Sibylla.

Half way through this film another character is introduced. Captain (Pierre Richard) is a bearded man with a boat on a trailer who is looking for water to float his vessel. It is a comical sight to see the outline of a boat moving around the village streets. Comedy unexpectedly turns to melodrama in the closing scenes of the story.

Watch this film if you fancy some light entertainment and are curious to know if Mickey is finally rewarded with those promised 100 kisses.
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