The Highwayman: The Highwayman (1987)
Season 1, Episode 0
Would have, could have, but didn't
15 January 2005
I liked the idea of the show when it first came out. US Marshalls in high tech rigs, etc. Sam Jones was good for the part. Jacko "Jetto" was an interesting addition later on, and I liked his truck better. But the show lacked following and the scripts got worse and worse. One thing I will note. I recognized one of "The Highwayman" scripts in an episode of "Seven Days" with Jonathan LaPaglia. This was the one with the alien ship crash-landing. And while they were transporting the body, the alien would take over certain people in order for it to complete it's mission here on earth. The even used Jetto's truck to transport the alien body. It nagged me until I had realized this was an old Highwayman episode. But then again "Seven Days" also had an episode that mirrored the movie "Ghost" with Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore. I guess Hollywood runs out of ideas and has to repeat old ones.
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