You're Under Arrest! (1996–2008)
A great series!
22 January 2005
This is a very significant and cool anime series, about two female cops. The characters are also cool, The chief, Aoi, Nakajima, Tokairin, Yoriko, the kids, Saori, and the motorcycle granny and that supposed super hero the Striker, who admits he's been in Detroit too long, and we never learn his identity. And Nakajima's father Daimaru is also very hilarious, and so is his 18 year old mother. And there is a second season I don't think is licensed yet, but I like to tell you it's great! Saori becomes a police just like her idols, the main characters, Miyuki and Natsumi, and there is also a live short lived series I don't think anyone in the States or anywhere in Europe probably knows about yet, but I prefer the animated series better, and there is one where they are in L.A. Recommended for all anime fans, and non-anime fans.
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