23 January 2005
On an isolated island deep in the swamps of...Florida, I think?... Professor Erling and his assistant Victor are tampering with Gods domain, namely the Time Barrier. Behind the closed doors of their basement lab, the two men believe they have been contacted by people from the future, who send them silly looking statues and bowling trophies. Professor Erling's strong-willed daughter Claire decides to send one of the sillier statues to museum curator Bob. Bob somehow manages to carbon date the statue to the year 5000 AD, and discovers in the process that it is highly radioactive. Intrigued, Bob heads down to the swamps for answers. Victor, the uptight lab assistant, has been running his own secret experiments with the time transport thingie in secret and, unbeknownst to the others, has unleashed the Terror From the Year 5000!!! Really, it's just a really ugly chick in a sequined spandex disco suit, but she is very deadly and she wants Victor to accompany her to the future and save her nuclear decimated race of freaks. Fortunately, the astute Claire notices the Terror's hideous silver spike heels and realizes that such shoes can only be FROM THE FUTURE!!! Will they be able to save Victor? More importantly, can they prevent the post- apocalyptic fate that awaits them all? Who cares?

This is a silly, senseless film with a threadbare plot and some very laughable moments...like the hilarious plot point of the futuristic pumps. No one is very likable: Claire is stridently annoying, Victor is a wuss, Bob is a dork. Who cares if they live or die? I can't believe that Salome Jens went from this to "Seconds" with Rock Hudson. The script is atrocious and the love triangle is just icky. Stick with the MST3K version. This film is dreadful, embarrassing, boring and just really painfully stupid.
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