Sweet Dreams (2000)
Wonderful film!
24 January 2005
Having watched the film "Sweet Dreams", I made the following conclusions: it is evident the young director possesses the cinema's plasticity easily and freely and is able to create the emotional rich artistic atmosphere; when an exclamation escapes from him, it is not a bare pathetic element, but a sincere word which one wants to repeat. We can refer freely his movie to such an exclamation. He doesn't establish the reality, but transforms it to the truth which he professes, as a human being and an artist, remaining faithful to the realities of life, time, human psychology. As for the director's technique and also the professionalism of cast and musical decision of the film, there are no any grudges; the same refers to the theater play. This gives us a hope that the talent of the young director will be growing stronger subject to the good quality dramatical material of the future works and I'm sure he will gladden us with the new interesting movies.
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