Deep Freeze (2001)
Deep Freeze? That's where the negative of this movie should have gone.
24 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Awful film about an Antarctic (hang on...) research team (THAT sounds familiar) who have discovered a strange lifeform frozen in the ice (you guessed it). Said lifeform (a big flesh-eating bug) goes on the rampage. Terrible acting, trite script and poor ("poor" as in: "you will laugh with your friends and make fun of the film-makers who poisoned the world with this trash") special effects. It even goes as far as using unused footage from The Thing (shots of the camp from outside, and **PLOT SPOILER (not that you'll care)** when the camp blows up at the end PLOT Spoiler END (aren't you glad I warned you?)**)! Save your money and see The Thing instead, or perhaps hire a prostitute from your local escort agency - that's what the film-makers should have done. Or at least given the money spent on "Deep Freeze" to a script that deserved it.
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