well worth one English pound
28 January 2005
I bought this film on DVD from the pound shop for, yes, one WHOLE English pound. I was drawn into making the purchase due to the pictures of naked women on the back and thought the film would be good for a laugh with my mates. I was right. "Sexual Roulette" makes the film sounds rather intriguing, but the version I bought was under the alternate title "weekend in Vegas" which is I feel rather dull in comparison, but for a pound I wasn't going to complain. The film itself contains some awful performances from the actors and actresses involved, the best among them is probably the Michael Douglas-esqe (well he looks a bit like him here) lead character of Jed played by Tim Abell, who goes from angry, to horny, to angry/horny all within a few moments. The plot is a bit "indecent proposal" type and has plenty of poorly filmed sex scenes, but the most annoying thing is that the whole film is just clogged up with pointless shots of Las Vegas, the same ones repeated over and over again!! it seems to me like they finished the film and it only ended up at around 40 minutes long so they just got some aerial shots of the strip to fill the gaps. There is some far fetched storyline about debt and some people get killed but this is just a low budget film which is good for a laugh at its expense. I recommend this film be watched whilst drunk. I think there a load of copies left at the pound shop....
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