Oh, please, no!!!!
1 February 2005
I am still wondering how a talented director, like Tamás Sas, was able to make the best and the worst movie in Hungary in a year's time... While Szerelemtől Sújtva/Down By Love is an excellent, gripping and experimenting movie, this chick-flick is so bad, that I'm still mourning those 90+odd minutes of my life I had spent on watching this crap. At least I saw it on TV so I didn't cost me a single penny.

Apád beájulna is a teenager movie about two girls, and is based upon a bestselling book with the same title. I'm sure it was a commercial enterprise by the movie makers to capitalize on the book's commercial success, but the end product is more than misery.

I don't wanna detail the storyline of the two chicks, not in order to avoid spoilers, because regarding this movie, the word 'spoil' can only come into concideration if someone actually watches it, but because it's so dumb and cheesy, it's just not worth it. I just mention the most irritating thing about this movie: the two girls are supposed to use a teenage slang, but they speak at a non-existing slang, use words I have never heard used, it's an imaginary language that old men over 50 think teenage girls use nowadays.
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