Fascinating look at The Biz
1 February 2005
Watched the documentary series with my wife, who originally turned me on to its Real Sex original. What a wife! We get to see what porn stars are like when they aren't porning. Most of them are normal. They just like sex. A lot. They talk about the body parts involved and what they're doing as casually as others talk about an itch on their elbow.

The starlet we first meet, Katie Morgan, originally comes across as an airhead, but we see her in one of the later shows being interviewed and quizzed on a radio show, and she's not unintelligent. She still *sounds* like a ditz, but then we can't always help that.

The show tended to repeat some bits -- I was gonna say snatches but thought better of it -- quite often, and I think if I'd heard Ashlee or Bambi or whatever say "Finger lickin good" one more time it would have put me off porn forever, but mercifully they stopped in time.

Did you know that the female stars control who they will and will not, um, boink? Bet you didn't. Women veritably run the show. That's feminism! Did you know that Viagra® is the drug of choice in The Valley? We get to hear how porn stars balance love and relationships with porn acting: some embrace it; others go to female-only sex until they break up and marry someone else.

We get to see directors and crew commenting on the meal catering while in the background is obviously a money-shot being filmed. They musta been real hungry...

We get to see a few clips of Jenna Jameson, thankfully, and none of Ron Jeremy, also thankfully.

We get to see the movie camera change angles, and the actors stop and start their action. On cue. I could never accomplish that. Frankly, I'm in awe. Makes me appreciate what they do all the more. And wasn't that the point?
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