One mess of a movie...
2 February 2005
I rented this DVD based on the strength of the cast. You figure with Anthony Hopkins, Nicole Kidman, Gary Sinise and Ed Harris you can't go wrong. Right? Wrong!!

This movie is an absolute mess. Anthony Hopkins is a well-vested Ivy League professor with a huge life-long secret. Despite being supposedly Jewish-American, Hopkins' Welsh accent never goes away. Hopkins does the best he can with a rather implausible plot twist, but he is horribly miscast in this leading role.

Nicole Kidman is the low class cleaning woman with whom Hopkins' character has an affair. Another case of miscasting here. Kidman was never quite believable to me as this character.

Gary Sinise is a reclusive author and becomes Hopkins' best friend. Sinise does the best job with the material he is given.

Ed Harris plays Kidman's ex-husband and is the stereotypical crazed Vietnam vet. Nothing new here folks.

My main complaint about this film was that I wasted two hours of my life that I will never get back.
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