Even better to see in on the DVD- still topical special
2 February 2005
Following his first few comedy specials on Comedy Central, the angriest, superb take-no-prisoners comic Lewis Black made this special dedicated to what every American (well, almost) can identify with- the procedures and overall stress that goes with the lead up to April 15th. His special is mostly done with Black in front of a college classroom, where his 'lecture' consists of slides, and with scenes cut-in with him interviewing people about taxes.

The special as on the DVD is far superior (it also includes the three comedy specials that helped to bring Black to major attention as one of the top comics in America), as it is un-cut with the language that might have been cut down on Comedy Central. Basically, the special will be funny even for those who don't pay taxes (i.e. too young, or just avoid altogether). Perhaps he's angrier in his other specials, but here he's sharper than ever. A
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