Review of Days

Days (2001)
Interesting but sad
3 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I found this movie to be very interesting but also very sad. Claudio it seems is frustrated with the hum drum of every day life which is complicated by being HIV+. Claudio starts a relationship with Adrea who is young and carefree to the point of not caring if he gets infected with HIV. Claudio and Dario seem to have an open relationship as Dario seems more concerned that Claudio is having unprotected sex than being hurt himself, however they do break up in the end. Claudio and Andrea's relationship does not last either, because it seems that Claudio does develop some kind of conscience, and the relationship between Claudio and Andrea is basically a fling. A fling that Andrea pays with his life for, and that is just sad.

It would have been interesting to see how Andrea reacted when he found out he was HIV+ and if he was angry with himself or Claudio. It also would have been interesting to see more of the relationship between Claudio and Dario.

I think the characters in the movie were very real as this happens every day. Claudio having suffered with HIV should have known better than to infect someone (much less someone he loves), although Andrea also should have known better. There is nothing romantic about being careless with your life or someone elses.
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