Fat Slags (2004)
Akin To Shakespeare (or possibly Marmite...)
6 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
All-right, so Fat Slags is nowhere near as sophisticated as Shakespeare, but hear me out. A lot of people don't like or appreciate Shakespeare because they don't understand it. That's why so many people either completely love or completely hate Fat Slags. You either love it or you hate it (that's where the Marmite comes in). What you have to remember is it's based on a VIZ comic strip. If you complain that it's too rude, too crass, too unbelievable: you're missing the point. It's a comic book movie, it's meant to be that way. And in my opinion, it's brilliant. And as for the delectable Mr Anthony Head, it's the most devilish I've ever seen him. Bravo. Now that I think about it, this is less of a review and more of a warning: Don't knock it until you've seen it.

Go and enjoy :)
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