Rated a 10 for one of the most sickening movies ever made
6 February 2005
This is definitely the stupidest, corn-ball movie I have ever seen! What a waste of time, film and money. If I was one of the so-called "actors" that appeared in this pathetic movie, I would be ashamed to show my face anywhere on the planet! This horrible, down-right sickening movie, "Winners Take All" would definitely rate a solid 10 on the scale of the worst movies ever produced in the history of film. Don't expect to know what the point of this movie is, because there is none. Do expect yourself to absolutely feel as though you're about to vomit as you watch these fools go through their lines. I'm not a person that likes to go around and ridicule, or talk trash about anyone. In addition, I also realize that this review sounds pretty awful to say about any movie or actor. On the other hand, do you know how some movies just make you "feel" good after watching them? Well, this movie will make you feel all creepy and jittery inside as you watch. That is to say, if you don't turn it off first as I should have done.
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