Review of Nice Dreams

Nice Dreams (1981)
Nice Place to Visit; Wouldn't Want to Live There
7 February 2005
Well I guess everyone should have at least one "head" movie in their collection. I liked it on VHS, not sure if I would shell out the bucks for a DVD edition, unless it had some deleted scenes or outtakes, which I am not sure are available. Stacy Keach pretty much lowered his standards to appear in this movie and yet he was perfect for the role of the drug unit commander. There were some classic scenes: Cheech lying on a ladder acting like he was swimming; a drug interdiction helicopter hovering a nude beach; a tortilla starting a fire right in front of an unsuspecting blind musician friend. These are all sight gags, but with a "pot" movie, what else do you expect? "Gone With The Wind"? Most of the movie is more stupid than funny, but at the time they were hilarious. The best scenes in the movie involve a restaurant haunted by "night" people. The only part of the movie I didn't care for was the ending, which was rather abrupt. All in all, a good escape to the 60s and 70s.
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