Mother Goose and Grimm (1991–1993)
It was funny....the Cat was the best part......
8 February 2005
......looked like a fuzzy Catfish, all head and tail. Funny Marvin the Martian Voice, and ya hadda love the Eddie Deezen voiced pig. Some good stuff here-Dr Seuss spoof, Mitzi what's her name as the Goose, Ahnold Terminator type as the idiot Dog catcher, etc. Very much a part of it's times-and done w/out any of the unnecessary Ren and Stimpy type poo humour that invaded the airways of the time.

It's weird that this hasn't been out on video or come back yet in repeats, it is a funny toon. Mike Peters stuff tends to be pretty hit or miss, both on TV and in the paper-as he's very slapstick and the humour is broad. Here they seemed to distill it just right.

I say give it a shot if you ever see it....

XXX outta ****......."Grimmmmm....I didn't get the part!"
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