Good Mystery, weak Horror
10 February 2005
This was a good mystery, and I suppose by 50s standards, a good thriller. As a young man obsessed with horror films, I was bored throughout the first half of the movie. It takes a long time to build up the plot, like so many movies of the 50s and 60s, like Rosemary's Baby and Night of the Ghouls.

I will not spoil it, but lets just say its better than night of the ghouls. From a horror standpoint, it is weak. However, it is a nice mystery. Because it is a mystery, I can't go into too much detail without spoiling it. Trust me though, if you like mystery, you will like this. Do not do what I did and watch it while drunk, you will need to pay attention to this movie. If you're like me, and like to watch bad horror movies that actually look good while drunk, than stick to "The House that Screamed" I and II and "Witchhouse II."

I gave it 6 of 10. Only the last 20 minutes are enjoyable, but you have to watch the whole thing to understand it, and be sober (an attribute I don't like in movies.)
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