more realistic would be better
10 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Although there are many minorities who would agree with the plot, the conclusion was to unrealistic. In such society, more ways to observe the conflicts and issues are plausible, unfortunately it is very unlikely a concluding scenario of joyfulness would be attainable in real life. In Italian Neorealism, many directors were interested in the subjects'emotions and feelings of socio-political issues, not as much as in finding (unreal) solutions. Most of these great auteurs would prefer to leave the ending open, to resemble a more realistic/credible approach. On the other hand more in depth study of the subject, would probably yield a theory of ideology as such: The people in power (politicians, media moguls, etc. prefer the minorities to remain ignorant and brainwashed. At one point in history people were oppressed by violence. Today, this not being possible, ideology (having control of what and how you think) is more effective and acceptable. Low-income families are forced to have two working parents in order to economically survive, living children unsupervised for prolonged periods. Parents who think their kids are safe at home watching TV, videos, movies, and playing violent video games are falling pray to this form of oppression, called ideology for some. This is the REAL root of the problem.
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