Not totally satisfying but not without interest
16 February 2005
After WW III Vic (Don Johnson) and his dog Blood (played by Tiger from "The Brady Bunch" TV show) travel around looking for women for Vic to rape and food for Blood. They talk telepathically--Vic hears Blood's voice in his mind and talks aloud back to him. Eventually they meet Quilla June Holmes (Susanne Benton) who's from an underground city called Topeka. She urges him to come down with her but Blood senses there is something wrong...

This is extremely low budget but not bad. The conversations between Vic and Blood are hilarious (and Blood's face and movements totally match the dialogue). Love the bit when Blood asks Vic to name the presidents (remember, this came out in 1975). He responds "Nixon, Kennedy, Kennedy, Kennedy..." When they meet Quilla (about an hour in) the film falls apart. The sequences down under are, at first, scary but get quickly repetitious. But it leads up to a twist ending which is great.

This was issued in 1975 with a horribly exploitive ad campaign. It showed a woman lying down on the ground. You don't see her face--just her body and all she's wearing is a shirt and covering her breasts and other parts. Blood has a paw on her and a proud look on his face and Vic is standing beside him holding a gun! The implication is obvious and the rape aspect of this bothered a lot of people. It was reissued in the early 80s (that's when I saw it) with a totally different ad campaign. I understand why people are upset with the rape theme but this is a science-fiction fantasy--don't take this too seriously.

The acting is good. Johnson was, surprisingly, dead perfect as Vic. Tiger was great:) Benton also is pretty good and Jason Robards pops up late in the proceedings.

Not a perfect film but an interesting one. I give it a 7.
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