Spotting Star Power
19 February 2005
I had the pleasure of seeing this film at a festival, and frankly I cannot wait for the movie to be released in theaters. Little Erin Merryweather is about 3 boys who are 'literally' trying to survive college as a homicidal killer, Erin Merryweather (played by Vigdes Anholt), stalks her prey on campus and maniacally seeks to destroy them. The ring-leader of this hunted trio is the wise-cracking sarcastic Teddy (played by Brandon Johnson of 'One Life To Live'). Added to him is everyone's all-purpose buddy and ever too trusting Sean (played by Marcus Bonee). Rounding out the trio is the most all-American of the boys...blonde-haired Peter (played by former Talbot's model David Morwick... a dead ringer for Christopher Atkins of 'Blue Lagoon' fame). I would not call this film terrifying as much as I would say that it is tension-filled. It leaves you on the edge of your seat waiting for these three innocents to fall prey to a killer without a conscience. Whoever did the casting for this film certainly has an eye for talent, spotting upcoming star power. Watch especially for Johnson and Morwick, as well as Vigdes Anholt. I am guessing that the latter is foreign with a name like that, LOL.
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