Indict and Convict (1974 TV Movie)
Classic Shatner
20 February 2005
Wow.. where do I start? This is one of those bad quality, early 70's movies that played at 10:00 AM Staruday Mornings. Usually, it was part of the particular TV Station "sales pitch" for the local replacement window & siding company... You know, they sponsor the movie and set up the commercial breaks to look like telethons; phones ringing... lots of activity... OH,, yeah, Back to Our Movie...... Without divulging anymore than the title of the movie does, I can tell you this: ABSOLUTELY, SPECTACULAR, TOTALLY OVER THE TOP PERFORMANCE BY WILLIAM SHATNER. Completely out of control with his searching looks, pauses (extended) during dialogue, made every effort to steal every single scene in the move. (I wouldn't have respected him if he hadn't) But wait... there's MORE. He's wearing those Gow-Awful Choclote Brown double knit suits complete with matching vest, plaid collared shirt with no button down collars... but worst of all... It was the dreaded and feared 1970's Necktie. Thick.. very odd pattern on it... about 9 full inches in width at the widest point and to top it off, His necktie (which should have had a registration number on it) was adorned with the most perfectly executed "Double Windsor" knot I have ever seen. I wouldn't go out of my way to see it, but if you can find a reasonable to "scam" a copy from somebody. I promise it will be worth your while.
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