There are no words...
23 February 2005
But I will try.....

Quite possibly, this is the worst piece of programming ever to grace a television set. 'Spectacularly bad' is a description that does not do justice to this unending piece of dreck.

It is so awful it makes an Ed Wood film look like Casablanca. It is so bad it should be used as a covert weapon against Al Qaida. To say this piece of trash belongs in the gutter is to ascribe to it too high an elevation. It belongs in the sewer. To save humanity, it should be cast into the fires of Mordor and destroyed for all time. And I am being kind. Unfortunately, to do that would be to deny others the painful pleasure of watching this debacle unfold.

As I watched the first few minutes in Wookieland, I wondered aloud to my friend, who owned a copy, about how I would get through the rest of the hour. "It's two hours," he informed me. "And the key phrase to remember is that 'it doesn't get any better.'" Boy was he right! From Harvey Korman playing a TV chef, volcano-headed alien and malfunctioning robot to Grampa Itchy's virtual porn to Bea Arthur's singing barkeep to the abomination that once used to be Jefferson Airplane to Mark Hamill's makeup to Carrie Fisher's singing to Lumpy's incessant whining to that ridiculous cartoon to Art Carney's obvious ad-libbing to just about every second of this disaster, it's clear that about as much creative talent went into this show as went into..... well..... went into..... I don't know.... it's so bad there is no comparison. It is the bottom of the barrel and it sets the standard for awfulness.

All this being said, it is my firm belief that it must be seen if only to understand the magnitude of the ineptitude. For two hours, give yourself willingly to the dark side -- although it's my sense that CBS could have beamed this program to Alderaan and destroyed said planet just as easily as Vader destroyed it with the Death Star.

In my book, a must-see! And so I give it 10 stars. It is the best of the worst!
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