Too Bad The Surprise Twist Ending Is Written On The Box Cover!
25 February 2005
The Last Horror Movie is about a psychopathic killer who is otherwise normal named Max (Kevin Howarth). Max seems to have an obsession with video cameras because he is either at his day job, filming wedding, or is being followed around with a camera or filming what seems to be a documentary.

Max and his assistant (Mark Stevenson) are pretty much just filming murders, which Max commits. You never get to know more about the assistant. He is mostly just behind the camera but does have a few scenes in front of the camera, but you never do learn his name, just a bit of background to make the story make sense. With the documentary look to it, this movie reminds me of Two Days (the movie in which the actor is documenting his own suicide). The difference being that movie was documenting suicide and this one is documenting murders, in many various shapes and forms. Along the way, Max makes some interesting points and raises some interesting questions.

In the end, as much as I hate to say this, I was mostly bored. The ending was pretty good (it actually makes you think about it for a second to make sense and assure yourself) but it was marred by the boredom that the rest of the movie partakes in. Other than some brief killing scenes, there is not much to see. Overall, I think this could have been marketed better so as not to give most of the end away, but it still surprises you for a bit. Even so, it could have been a little better, but I've seen worse. 6 of 10.
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