Ordinary Murder She Wrote
5 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
** Yupp, here be spoilers **

Recap: Jessica Fletcher (Lansbury) is called on to come to Ireland for the last will of an old acquaintance. The man was somewhat wealthy and the family that is left mostly rather greedy, except for youngest daughter Breeta (Potts). When each member of the family, and most of the staff is given a clue, sealed in envelope a icy tension arises. According to the will, all clues must be bought together, and will then lead the way to a very valuable treasure. Soon thereafter one after one that was given a clue is murdered, and the tension rises still more. Only Fletcher, with some small aid of local police, is calm enough to start to figure out what secrets lies beyond the clues and murders...

Comment: A typical Murder She Wrote - story, set in beautiful and mystic Ireland. The story is good, not revealing anything before hand only letting up small clues along the way. The final answer is not given until the ending scene. That, however, is the movies greatest weakness. The resolution of it is actually amateurish, the murderer acting stupid and other events happening just with a little too much timing. And the icy tension that existed before suddenly vanishes. But then again, one does not watch this for the ending scene but for the mystery. And the mystery is good as mentioned above. Good cast with some known names, Lansbury and Flanigan for example, that acts well. This is not a movie to remember though, but it might entertain for an evening...

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